Most Common Sports Injuries in Baseball

Sports injuries can happen to anyone in any sports field, whether its football, netball, baseball, or even tennis among other sports. Most people know of football as the sport that brings about injuries, but the fact is that even athletes can sustain injury when running or doing any activity. Some injuries are common in all sports, but if you are a baseball player, it’s good you understand some of the injuries that you might encounter in the baseball field. Baseball demands a lot from your body, and almost all parts of your body are at risk of getting injured. Here is a list of common sports injuries in baseball.

1. Muscle Strains

Due to too much stretching in the baseball ball field, one might encounter a muscle strain, which is an injury that occurs on your tendons or muscles. The most vulnerable muscles for this kind of injury include quadriceps, back, hamstrings or abdominal, and the strain can either be mild or severe. According to Dr Gregg Schellack, any injury, whether mild or serious need to be treated to avoid causing more harm to your body. Depending on the severity, muscle strains can be treated through taking ample rest, using anti-inflammatory medications, physical therapy, and in extreme cases, surgery would be required. 

2. Ankle Sprains

An ankle sprain is another common injury one can get in baseball, and it occurs when your ankle twists beyond the normal range, causing the ligaments at the joint to tear. Mostly you will know you have a sprain when you feel pain, and your ankle has swelled. In severe cases, the ankle can also become tender and affect your mobility. Ankle sprains can easily be healed by taking enough rest and undergoing physical therapy. The bad thing about a sprain is that it can recur and become a chronic health issue that can only be treated through surgery. 

3. Head Injury

You can get a head injury from colliding with other players in the field or by being hit by a baseball ball. Most players might suffer concussions from any head injury, and symptoms for the same include dizziness, loss of memory, confusion, balance issues, headaches, nausea, sleeping problems, and disorientation. Dr Gregg Schellacksays that it is good for baseball players to be evaluated from time to time about these concussions to avoid causing regrettable damages to the brain. 

4. Rotator Cuff Tear

The rotator cuff is found on your shoulders, and they are the tendons and muscles that support your shoulders. Since baseball involves continuous throwing of the ball, the motion can stress these muscles beyond the normal range and cause a tear. The more the player continues to throw, the more the muscles will continue to tear, and the pain will increase significantly, affecting the player’s effectiveness on the field. Depending on the severity of the damage, the rotator cuff can be treated through rest, physical therapy, or surgery. The bad thing about this injury is that it heals slowly and for some people, it can mean the end of their career. 

5. Wrist Injuries

It is easy to suffer from a hand or wrist injury in a baseball field from colliding with pitched balls, bats, falling on the ground, or even colliding with other players. Some of the injuries one can sustain include, fractures, sprains, dislocations, or bruises, among others. Dr Gregg Schellack warns that no injury is too small because even a bruise can cause a major infection when overlooked. The good thing about today’s sports is that sports medicine is bringing specialists who are specifically trained to treat sports injuries nearer to the players and runners among other people involved. 

Do you want to become a baseball player, or is your child ready to face the game? It is good you familiarize oneself with these injuries that might be encountered in the field. However, do not be afraid to face it because baseball is fun and can be a very successful career for you. 

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